Wing of a Blue Roller by Albrecht Dürer

The Wing of a Blue Roller also known as Wing of a European Roller is a water colour painting by Albrecht Dürer a German artist. He painted this artwork and others from 1500-1512by observing dead specimen and its dimensions are 19.6 x 20 centimetres. It is part of Albertina, Vienna collection and displayed across the world at renowned art galleries.Through this bright and colourful painting Dürersuccessfully captured the beauty of the European Roller which was anendemic bird found throughout the continent.


The presented paintingis the one where he focused on the magnificent and colourful wings of the bird. While the painting’s purpose is debatable, there is no doubt it captures the attention of the viewers as it a natural study of the bird’s wings created by the meticulous observation and accurate rendition by the artist. What’s more, the composition is completethought-outwith a fantastic compositional scheme. Durer created this masterpiece with watercolour and white body colouron vellum parchment. Most people who view this work agree that is a vibrant natural study watercolour with spectacular hues and strokes.


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